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kerono_'s playlist on Castle
Y'all I just wanna stay alive on this platform 😔 + I didn't use reference for the bones and that's why it looks like shit 😭 || #REDACTEDau #au #skibidi #sprunkisprunkisprunkigetfunkyfunkyfunky #sigma #omga
I know, you did not expect me to be joining an AU. But whatever, im bored and tired af. #why
#au #omga #redactedau Bfyhm ymj xzs yzws tkk, fsi dtzw gtid yt gjhtrj f kqjxm htsyfnsjw.
#au #mutant #redactedau #sprunkisprunkisprunkigetfunkyfunkyfunky
#au #omga #sigma #skibidi #redactedau #sprunkisprunkisprunkigetfunkyfunkyfunky