Make games on your phone.

Camp Castle!
Greenbunny's playlist on Castle
(CLOSED) Welcome to Camp Castle! Castle’s first gameshow! Sign up by joining the discord and remixing this deck! The prize is 100 bricks by the way but this is more for fun than anything! #CampCastle #remix #sign_up #fun
#CampCastle #Challenge #remix #fun I’ll reveal the cast of Camp Castle and the first challenge! Watch till the end! Thanks for 54 sign ups!
#campcastle #fun #results #ranking Results time! Who will win the first challenge green or yellow team!? I’ll rank on how fun and creative your game is! Then the team with the overall highest average wins!
#CampCastle #elimination #campfire #fun Who will be the first eliminated from Camp Castle overall? Very dramatic and we got it all on tape
#CampCastle #Challenge #remix #fun this is messed up it’s true sorry Toonheads don’t sueeeeee! Make a deck about Toonheads the stickman guy!
Castle is best experienced on mobile.
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